
Monday 16 May 2011

Sat 14 May - Pooped

After our late night and little party in the Piazza any thoughts of a lie in were quickly scuppered. First by Fausto finding Cat and then by KP running out of gas as he was making a cup of tea.  The noise was phenomenal.  Total chaos with Fausto and Cat having a barking hissing standoff in the garden and KP crash bang whalloping with the gas bottle and oven, with all the grace of a bull in a china shop. 

 But it was good to be up.  The sun was shining and we were going walking.  And what a great walk we had.  Two hours that became four.  One day we'll stop getting lost.  But when we stop getting lost we'll also stop discovering.  Yet more plunge pools and picnic spots were found, as well as an abandoned field full of broad beans and peas gone wild.  The beans were tiny but so sweet and delicious, the peas still in flower.   One to return to with foraging basket.

By the time we'd been out for four hours we found ourselves back at the Liberatore in searing heat gasping for a beer (KP), ice cold lemonade (me), and food (all of us).  The bar was tantalisingly close so we all picked up the pace and practically ran the last two kilometres to the bar.  Just as it was closing.  I thought KP was going to cry.

But we did make it home without any tears or anyone collapsing with sunstroke, dehydration or malnutrition.  Just.  Even Fausto lost some bounce.  He was certainly happy to get back and just collapsed in a welcome heap on the cold marble floor.  Sensible dog.  Don't think Tina will hear a peep out of him for the rest of the day.

Didn't really get a peep out of us for the rest of the dsy either.  Lunch was had before Tina and Fausto made their way home.  KP and I just flopped out and didn't shift till bedtime. 

What a great couple of days. 

And it's still only Saturday with Sunday, my favourite day ever, yet to come.

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