
Saturday 14 May 2011

Fri 13 May - A Night on the Balcony & A Night in the Piazza

Just how much more can we fit into our days and weeks?  We've done so much, more than we could have possibly imagined, and each day takes us a step closer to Kokopelli, our special little campsite.

The soon to be transformed sleeping barn

The builders have now started converting the barns into laundry, showers, chill out zone, bunkhouse and barbecue terrace.  So very exciting.  Our vision becoming reality. This place is utterly spectacular and so very perfect for our passion of easy, chilled, simplicity.   

A space for your tent
There will be no marked out plots, no manicured lawns, no electricity hook ups, no TV.  Just pitch up, find your spot, choose your view.  Chill.  Your tent or ours, or even maybe a bed in the barn.   

We have so got it right here, and the last few days have just confirmed that.   Seeing the barns and the views transforming before our eyes, meeting and talking with people, describing our vision and, as the picture unfolds, watching their excitement mirror ours. 

One day soon a chill out barn with doors to the terrace
In the evening after the builders had cleared away and gone home, we wandered around awestruck at what was appearing.

After supper we sat out on the balcony in the warm Jasmine scented breeze, all the lights out, just the moon and the stars and the badger.  The silhouettes of the mountains above and the little lights of Serramonacesca twinkling in the valley below.  

The crickets were in chorus, the frogs in harmony and the late evening orchestra was joined every now and then by the mournful cry of an owl.  How could anyone fail but to be enchanted.  If we'd stumbled across a campsite like this on our travels, we'd have been in heaven.  They are few and far between.

As Max worked on the barns we continued to work on the house, work on our Italian, meet and chat with our neighbours.  As the sun just shone and shone and shone.

Terracotta bargains
Friday came, and a very exciting Friday it was.  A rummaging shopping trip with Tina.  An antique & flea market.  My most favourite thing ever.  

And a girl friend for company too.  I hadn't realised how much I'd missed it.  Girlie chat, girlie shopping, girlie laughing.  Just love it.  And you should see the bargains!  

A beautiful pale green, scrolled iron, day bed, a delicate twisted iron standard lamp, an old ceramic bowl, a large painted ceramic anti-pasti plate, some old terracotta pots and jug and a baby's buggy complete with parasol (not for me, silly, for Sian!).  A fabulous day.

A beautiful day bed for the guest room
KP meanwhile was having a right old boys' time.  Beers with the builders at home, followed by more beers and more people in the bar, followed by a pre-election mini-festa in the piazza. Free booze, free food and free fun.  

Tina and I joined in mid festa as KP and co were in full back slapping, male bonding flow.  Much laughter and banter.  Hadn't got a clue what was being said but, who cared, we got the jist of it most of the time (at least, I think so, but who knows).  What a great, spontaneous evening.  We finally dragged ourselves, and KP, away and back home for the lasagne that was slowly cooking in the oven.  

More food, more wine, and so to bed. 


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