
Monday 2 May 2011

Sat 30 Apr - A Wash-out & A Curry

Today it rained. 

And rained. 

And rained. 

What can you do?  Today it would have been nice to have had a TV, DVD, a sofa and a few radiators.  An afternoon with a good film in the warm and dry would have been lovely.    But we haven't.  

So we didn't. 


Instead we did the grocery and meat shop, stopping off at the Saturday market in Roccamonte on the way back.  The bleakness of the day was slightly lifted by spotting a beautiful climbing Jasmine for the balcony and buying a couple of celery plants that I thought were parsley.  Ah well, I'm sure the celery will be good.  

Here we go again...
Our planned cycle into Mannopello which, with its 1000 metres of climbing (and descending), would have been fairly arduous and treacherous in this weather, was ditched in favour of starting the prep work for painting the end room.  Oh deep joy.  Here I go again.  Covered in plaster and dust, with nails and hands cracked and calloused.  Hoorah!  

And still it rained. 

In buckets. 

Absolutely pouring off the roof and cascading like a waterfall over the balcony.  My pour water-buts were straining under the pressure, splashing and overflowing in torrents down the path.   

The day was only salvaged by KP's suggestion that tonight we have a curry.  Brilliant!  So out came my box of spices bought over from the UK and "The Food of India", which I smuggled and stowed away in Rosemary after the great "weight reducing wordly goods removal cull" when we drove down. 

And, right now, we were both very glad indeed that I had.  A curry was just what we needed. 

And very good it was too. 

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