
Sunday 22 May 2011

Fri 20 May - That Friday Feeling!

I do think our decision to celebrate The Weekend with everyone else was a pretty good one.  

Having no demands on our time other than the cycles of the weather or the heat of the sun, we thought ditching the traditional Monday-Friday work pattern would be a good idea.  Work when everyone else is playing and play when everyone else is working.  Brilliant!  Or maybe not?  

Sometimes we do have some very strange ideas.  Why on earth did we think we needed to avoid the weekend crowds?  How very odd.  There are none.  But there is something very special about playing and working alongside everyone else.  I think it's called "fitting in", sharing, having a common goal, being part of a community.  And so we had fun this weekend, with everyone else.  A weekend contrasted from the week, and shared with friends.  Important lesson learnt.

So Friday came with that great Friday feeling.  Time to wrap up the week.  And what better way to start it than by trying out that new bike.

It really is a lovely little bike, very pretty, light as a feather and beautifully balanced.  I am seriously going to have my work cut out once KP and the bicci are working as one.  A formidable team coming on.  And that's how we started our Friday, a little spin up the hill that took us part of the way up the road to Passo Lanciano, a not insignificant col at 2,500 m.  Not that we did it today though, just a little scratch of the surface was in order.  We have a major dent to make in the kitchen refurb.
Getting there

After we got back, it was time to crack on, it's not the weekend quite yet.  So  as Max and Tomas worked outside, KP and I worked on the inside.  KP finished the wood panelling and I painted, all to some great tunes coming out of a getting ready for the weekend too Radio Deejay!   "One Nation, One Station". (Radio Deejay on Air!) A brilliant way to work.  

Eventually we got there Friday night!  Woop woop.  The usual crew were in the bar and another great evening we had sitting round the table outside, new faces and old, people coming, people going, but all so vocal and so much chat!  

But we were sensible, there's still Saturday night to come, and wandered back to Kokopelli before it got too late.  Some rabbit pieces were thrown on the barbecue, which did go rather well with yesterday's left over aubergine & parmesan bake and Wednesday's left over lentils.  

Quick, cheap, easy and wholesome.

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