
Tuesday 19 April 2011

Sun 17 Apr - A Sunday Sort of Day

Sunday we had a lie in, but even though we had my absolutely favourite Sunday in bed treat, boiled eggs and toasted soldiers, complete with crumbs everywhere, it just wasn't the same without the Sunday papers spread out all over the bed. Another British institution, along with Radio 4, to be missed. 


Once we get wi-fi sorted, we could always read the papers on the laptops, but I doubt it'll be the same somehow. 

All done & just awaiting roof, windows, outside sinks & a lick of paint
 When we did finally get up, the rest of the day was spent with much of the same.  Refusing to start a new week with the painting still hanging over me, I cracked on until the bedroom was finished.  And KP completed the barn clearance.  Two projects ticked off. 

Think we might treat ourselves to a day off tomorrow.

Suitably pooped. Good job well done

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