
Tuesday 4 January 2011

Mon 3 Jan - Stressy, or what?!

A bit of a difficult day today.  Bit of a stress head day.  It started with a million and one things swamping my poor addled feeble brain.   Need to get it all down, need to start a list.   Money to be transferred, euros to be bought (you've got one more day, Sterling, so sort your act out - 1.16 is just not enough), agent's completion statement to be checked and double checked, final check of the house to be arranged, accommodation to be sorted, car to be sorted, Eurotunnel booking to be checked, route down to be planned, flight home to be checked in online, clothes packed, climbing gear packed, running gear packed.  Oh pooh.  Dang and blaskit.

My Office :-)
Enough.  Deal with it Dixon.  "Just shut up and drive"  (what song did those words come from?) You're only buying a house, you're good at that, you've bought enough over the years for goodness sakes.  But that was in the UK!  Where you have solicitors who you can sue if they get it wrong, and you understand the legal system, and they speak your language, and, and, and.....

The Id & the Ego
And so my day continued.  My Id and Ego sitting on opposite shoulders battling it out.   Not quite sure who won but I did get a list drawn up, I did sort the accounts, I do know what is what, I did fire an email off to the agents.  Back in control.  Yes.  All we need do now, over the next few days, is to simply decide what to take with us and pack it into the Beastie.  Even if we forget anything, so what, doesn't matter as we can bring it out when we drive back down in April.  Simples.  If only we had a fixtures & fittings list from the vendors, if only we knew what was being left in the house....  OK, Dixon, JUST SHUT UP AND DRIVE!

KP didn't appear much better, and seemed as agitated as me.  So much for two chilled out, easy going climbers.  So much going on, just not sure what to tackle first.  So tired too, with sleep constantly disrupted by overactive minds.  But KP did go into the office today (very noble, being a bank holiday and all that) and sorted all the invoices before the VAT hike tomorrow (damned government), Christmas decs were taken down, and he got the Beastie sorted so she's all ready to go.  A few more things to cross off the list.

Finally closed my office at 4.30pm, put a beef stew in the oven, running shoes on, and we blew it all away pounding the tarmac under the street lights of Horsham.  Best stress buster ever.

Tomorrow is another day.   And we're off to the ballet (1)

Beautiful Swan Lake

(1)  Swan Lake, Moscow City Ballet

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